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此外,toracco(2014年)指出,虽然现在知识已经被认为是一个组织最宝贵的资产,但是,大多数组织缺乏必要的保留和利用知识价值的配套制度。组织不能只站在消极的立场上去希望人们在这个组织内能够得到和利用那些已知的、可以接近的知识。相反,组织应该以寻求维持竞争优势为目的,迅速发展能充分利用知识价值的系统(robinson & stern, 1997; stewart, 1997)。。因此,这很容易看到失去了宝贵的员工的知识的巨大影响。

人力资本和知识管理的概念是,人们拥有的技能,经验和知识,因此对组织具有经济价值。这些技能,知识和经验代表了资本,因为它们提高了生产率(snell and dean, 1992)。人力资本理论假定某些劳动力更有生产力仅仅是因为越来越多的资源投资在劳动力培训上,相当于一台机器投入了更多的资源来提高生产率ller, 1982)。人力资本理论的一条基本原则是,如同任何商

业投资,“投资技能建设将更加有利可图,更有可能将要持续较长的时期,从而获得投资回报” (mueller, 1982, p. 94)。此外,留住对于实现充分的投资回报是非常重要的。人力资本理论还认为员工在一个组织的服务长度可以作为与职业相关的知识或能力的代表。一个人对与工作有关的知识或能力的了解,影响该人的工资,推销自己和工作的类型(becker,1975; hulin & smith,1967; katz,1978)。在一个组织里,关于工龄的理解可以与乌尔里希(1998)定义的智力资本承诺的组成部分联系起来。他的定义很简单“技能通过承诺而增加” (p. 125),智力资本的重要性等于知识,技能和每一个人在组织中的属性乘以他们愿意努力工作。在未来几年,个人对组织的承诺将得到更重要的承认,以及该组织需要创建一个有人会愿意留下来的环境(harris, 2014)。组织将需要或创建一个智力资本环境下,知识的传播的发生将遍及整个组织,或继续通过工龄发展失去重要的个人知识。许多人认为这些深奥的知识将有助于满足客户的需求和期望,并在全球经济组织相互竞争的今天,创建和维持竞争优势。





a review of employee motivation theories and their


for employee retention within organizations

why is it necessary to retain critical employees?

fitz-enz (1997) stated that the average company loses approximately $1 million with every 10 managerial and professional employees who leave the organization. combined with direct and indirect costs, the total cost of anexempt employee turnover is a minimum of one year’s pay and benefits, or a maximum of two years’ pay andbenefits. there is significant economic impact with an organization losing any of its critical employees, especially given the knowledge that is lost with the employee’s departure. this is the knowledge that is used to meet the needs knowledge to enhance organizational performance (bassi, 1997)。 furthermore, toracco (2014) stated that although knowledge is now recognized as one of an organization’s most valuable assets most organizations lack the supportive systems required to retain and leverage the value of knowledge. organizations cannot afford to take a passive stance toward knowledge management in the hopes that people are acquiring and using knowledge, and that sources of knowledge are known and accessed throughout the organization. instead, organizations seeking to sustain competitive advantage have moved quickly to develop systems to leverage the value of knowledge for this purpose (robinson & stern, 1997; stewart, 1997)。 thus, it is easy to see the dramatic effect of losing employees who have

valuable knowledge. the concept of human capital and knowledge management is that people possess skills, experience and knowledge, and therefore have economic value to organizations. these skills, knowledge and experience represent capital because they enhance productivity (snell and dean, 1992)。 human capital theory postulates that some labor is more productive than other labor simply because more resources have been invested into the training of that labor, in the same manner that a machine that has had more resources invested into it is apt to be more productive (mueller, 1982)。 one of the basic tenets of human capital theory is that, like any business investment, an “investment in skill-building would be more profitable and more likely to be undertaken the longer the period over which returns from the investment can accrue” (mueller, 1982, p. 94)。 again, employee retention is important in realizing a full return on investment. human capital theory includes the length of service in the organization as a

proxy for job relevant knowledge or ability. a person’s job relevant knowledge or ability influences that person’s wage, promotional opportunity and/or type of job (becker, 1975; hulin & smith, 1967; katz, 1978)。 the understanding of length of service in an organization relates back to ulrich’s (1998) component of commitment in his definition of intellectual capital. his definition was simply“competencemultiplied by commitment” (p. 125), meaning intellectual capital equals the knowledge, skills, and attributes of each individual within an organization multiplied by their willingness to work hard. it will become significantly more important in the years ahead to recognize the commitment of individuals to an organization, as well as the organization’s need to create an environment in which one would be willing to stay (harris,

2014)。 organizations will need to either create an intellectual capital environment where the transmission of knowledge takes place throughout the structure, or continue to lose important individual knowledge that has been developed through the length of service. this deep knowledge is what many believe will help to meet the needs and expectations of the customers and to create and sustain a competitive advantage within the global economy in which organizations are competing in today.

author: sunil ramlall


originate from:the journal of american academy of business,september 2014,p52-59

毕业论文外文翻译 篇二





此外,Toracco(2000年)指出,虽然现在知识已经被认为是一个组织最宝贵的资产,但是,大多数组织缺乏必要的保留和利用知识价值的配套制度。组织不能只站在消极的立场上去希望人们在这个组织内能够得到和利用那些已知的、可以接近的知识。相反,组织应该以寻求维持竞争优势为目的,迅速发展能充分利用知识价值的系统(Robinson & Stern, 1997;Stewart, 1997)。。因此,这很容易看到失去了宝贵的员工的知识的巨大影响。

人力资本和知识管理的概念是,人们拥有的技能,经验和知识,因此对组织具有经济价值。这些技能,知识和经验代表了资本,因为它们提高了生产率(Snell and Dean, 1992)。人力资本理论假定某些劳动力更有生产力仅仅是因为越来越多的资源投资在劳动力培训上,相当于一台机器投入了更多的资源来提高生产率ller, 1982)。人力资本理论的一条基本原则是,如同任何商

业投资,“投资技能建设将更加有利可图,更有可能将要持续较长的时期,从而获得投资回报”(Mueller, 1982, p.94)。此外,留住对于实现充分的投资回报是非常重要的。人力资本理论还认为员工在一个组织的服务长度可以作为与职业相关的知识或能力的代表。一个人对与工作有关的知识或能力的了解,影响该人的工资,推销自己和工作的类型(Becker,1975; Hulin & Smith,1967; Katz,1978)。在一个组织里,关于工龄的理解可以与乌尔里希(1998)定义的智力资本承诺的组成部分联系起来。他的定义很简单“技能通过承诺而增加”(p.125),智力资本的重要性等于知识,技能和每一个人在组织中的属性乘以他们愿意努力工作。在未来几年,个人对组织的承诺将得到更重要的承认,以及该组织需要创建一个有人会愿意留下来的环境(Harris, 2000)。组织将需要或创建一个智力资本环境下,知识的传播的发生将遍及整个组织,或继续通过工龄发展失去重要的个人知识。许多人认为这些深奥的知识将有助于满足客户的需求和期望,并在全球经济组织相互竞争的今天,创建和维持竞争优势。





A Review of Employee Motivation Theories and their


for Employee Retention within Organizations

Why is it Necessary to Retain Critical Employees?

Fitz-enz(1997)stated that the average company loses approximately $1 million with every 10 managerial and professional employees who leave the with direct and indirect costs, the total cost of anexempt employee turnover is a minimum of one year’s pay and benefits, or a maximum of two years’ pay andbenefits.There is significant economic impact with an organization losing any of its critical employees, especially given the knowledge that is lost with the employee’s departure.This is the knowledge that is used to meet the needs knowledge to enhance organizational performance(Bassi, 1997)。Furthermore, Toracco(2000)stated that although knowledge is now recognized as one of an organization’s most valuable assets most organizations lack the supportive systems required to retain and leverage the value of cannot afford to take a passive stance toward knowledge management in the hopes that people are acquiring and using knowledge, and that sources of knowledge are known and accessed throughout the organization.Instead, organizations seeking to sustain competitive advantage have moved quickly to develop systems to leverage the value of knowledge for this purpose(Robinson & Stern, 1997;Stewart, 1997)。Thus, it is easy to see the dramatic effect of losing employees who have

valuable knowledge.The concept of human capital and knowledge management is that people possess skills, experience and knowledge, and therefore have economic value to organizations.These skills, knowledge and experience represent capital because they enhance productivity(Snell and Dean, 1992)。Human capital theory postulates that some labor is more productive than other labor simply because more resources have been invested into the training of that labor, in the same manner that a machine that has had more resources invested into it is apt to be more productive(Mueller, 1982)。One of the basic tenets of human capital theory is that, like any business investment, an “investment in skill-building would be more profitable and more likely to be undertaken the longer the period over which returns from the investment can accrue”(Mueller, 1982, p.94)。Again, employee retention is important in realizing a full return on investment.Human capital theory includes the length of service in the organization as a

proxy for job relevant knowledge or ability.A person’s job relevant knowledge or ability influences that person’s wage, promotional opportunity and/or type of job(Becker, 1975;Hulin & Smith, 1967;Katz, 1978)。The understanding of length of service in an organization relates back to Ulrich’s(1998)component of commitment in his definition of intellectual capital.His definition was simply“competencemultiplied by commitment”(p.125), meaning intellectual capital equals the knowledge, skills, and attributes of each individual within an organization multiplied by their willingness to work hard.It will become significantly more important in the years ahead to recognize the commitment of individuals to an organization, as well as the organization’s need to create an environment in which one would be willing to stay(Harris,2000)。Organizations will need to either create an intellectual capital environment where the transmission of knowledge takes place throughout the structure, or continue to lose important individual knowledge that has been developed through the length of service.This deep knowledge is what many believe will help to meet the needs and expectations of the customers and to create and sustain a competitive advantage within the global economy in which organizations are competing in today.Author: Sunil Ramlall


Originate from:The Journal of American Academy of Business,September 2004,P52-59

毕业论文外文翻译 篇三





摘要: 改进后的lec法是用于处理与期货大厦项目(本站 推荐的安全评估的。经修订的评估项目l的危险方法隐藏的工作条件,存在由实验结果确定了不同价值体系之间的能源和人工能源,表明该方法的科学性和实用性,并能提高安全成本的经济效率。





安全文化是伴随人类的生产活动而产生的。但是,人类有意识地发展安全文化,还是近1 0余年的事,国际原子能机构在对1 9 8 6年发生的切尔诺贝利核泄漏事故调查分析的基础上,于1 9 9 1年编写的“7 5一工n 8 a g - 4 "评。报告首次提出了“安全文化”的概念,并建立了一套核安全文化建设的思想和策略。
















(8)建筑企业要建立和完善安全体系建设的长期性,管理和设备应达到 降低风险损失之和(参考标准:标准jgj59 一 1999年)。




本文主要内容是考察了管理层在判断建筑危害中应用的安全性评估方法。 以及建设项目危险评价工作的执行情况,我们已确保了致命的危险事故发生率为最低。根据经验,可纳入危险管理系统的危险值为:低于160时的危险,否则,它会被认为是不可承受的危险事故。应该充分应用现代化的信息技术来建立和完善








