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《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案【最新7篇】

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《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案 篇一

unit 2 ben’s birthday 第二课时listen, read and say


1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a birthday, a date, when, as, present。

2.能听懂、会说和会读单词 wait。

3.能听懂、会说,会读和会写句型when’s your birthday? my birthday’s on…what would you like as a birthday present?

i’d like…

4.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语my birthday’s coming. would you like to come to my birthday party? would you like a vcd of japanese cartoon, too? let’s wait and see.




2. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语would you like to come to my birthday party? would you like a vcd of japanese cartoon, too? let’s wait and see.

3.能听懂、会说,会读和会写句型when’s your birthday? my birthday’s on…what would you like as a birthday present? i’d like…







present  a birthday present


what would you like as a birthday present?

i’d like…

wait    let’s wait and see.

教 后 记


a. revision

1. greetings

2.look and say(看日历说日期)

3.free talk

t: what day is it today?

t: what date is it today?

t: which month comes after september?

t: which month comes before august?

t: when’s your /your father’s /your mother’s birthday?

t: do you usually have a birthday party?

t: what would you like as a birthday present?

s: it’s friday.

s:it’sthetwenty-fourth of september.

s: it’s october.

s: it’s july

s: it’s on the…

s: yes, i do.

s: i’d like…

b. presentation

1. teach: present

a birthday present

as  作为

what would you like as a birthday present?

i’d like …

2.ask and answer in pairs.

3.t: would you like a …?


4.t: ben’s birthday is coming.

let’s listen to the tape and answer these questions:

a. who’s jim ?

b. what do jim and ben often do after school?

c. what’s ben doing today?

s: yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

d. what are jim and ben talking about?

e. what date is it today?

f. when’s ben’s birthday?

g. what would ben like as a birthday present?

h. what would he like to watch at the party?


c. listen, read and say

1. look at the pictures and repeat after the tape.

teach: wait 等待

let’s wait and see.

2.books opened and read the test.

3.read and act

finish the exercise on p23. check up the answers.

d.assign homework

1.抄写单词三英一中as, present, wait, birthday, date, when。

2. 根据课文回答问题


《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案 篇二


a learn to say



bananas .watermelons , peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .

2 能听懂会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语 father, mother, brother, sister.

3、三会句型:good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .

4 能初步了解名词复数的读音。



bananas .watermelons , peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .

2 能听懂会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语 father, mother, brother, sister.

3、三会句型:good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .

4 能初步了解名词复数的读音。

5 能用this is my …  句型介绍家庭成员。



bananas .watermelons , peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .

2 能听懂会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语 father, mother, brother, sister.

3、三会句型:good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .









step 1 free talk/ revision

1.sing  a  song: << hi, nancy>>

2.greetings .(同位之间练习,自由锁链反应)。

hello /hi,… good morning/ good afternoon.

nice to meet you ,…

nice to meet you ,too.

step 2  look and say

. hello! good morning !this is yang ling /…/my father .引入本课新授部分。

1. learn to say :this is my father .

show the family photo.

t: today we’re going to learn a new dialogue. look at this photo of my family. let me introduce something about it .

a、t: this is my father ,(师反复重复:father , this is my father )what does “father” mean? do you know?

“father” means “爸爸”,“my father ”means “我的爸爸”。

b、t: show me your family photo , please introduce your father to me ,

you should say : miss gu, this is my father.

c. practice and check.

2. learn to say :

this is my mother/brother/sister. the same method and then play a game .

the t say the word aloud ,but the ss say it low. if the t say it low ,the ss say it aloud .

3 look at your photo and introduce your family to your classmates

1. he t shows the wall picture.

t: how many people are there in the picture?


t: who are they?

ss :nancy, mr green ,mr black.

t: mr black is nancy’s father , nancy wants to introduce her father to mr green ,what are they talking about?

4 生组成三人学习小组,先讨论交流,表演一番后评论。listen to the tape and repeat .

5. the t introduce gao shan to the ss. (this is gao shan)

6. act:

t: “hello, gao shan , this is my sister ,nancy.”

gao shan says: “hi, nancy.”

nancy says: “hi, gao shan.”

7. three students a group make the dialogue.

8.open the books ,turn to page 18 , a learn to say .listen to the tape and repeat .

step 4 consolidation

1 学生可以自由进行家庭成员的介绍,扩充知识面。

2. 先给予一定时间让学生自己熟悉人物名称,让他们练一练,说一说。






unit 3 this is my father  (日期)

good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .


《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案 篇三


1、 通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、词组和句型。

2、 通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。







1. review unit 1---unit 2.

2. do some exercises.


一般过去时的用法。 (肯定句与一般疑问句)


workbook. recorder


step 1. reading.

read the texts.

step 2. phrases.

unit 1

1.public sign 2.a lot of questions 3.different things 4.stay away from

5.keep off 6.the sign on the bird’s cage 7.make noise 8.be quiet

9.take a walk 10.a ten-yuan note 11.look around 12.a park keeper


unit 2

1.take about 2.come soon 3.on the 18th of october 4.have a birthday party

5.as a birthday present 6.a vcd of japanese cartoons 7.take off 8.blow out

step 3. pronunciation

step 4. exercises in workbook.

1. look, read and write.p59

____you go and watch dragon boat races at the ____ _____ _______?

no, _____ _____. i ______ill.

i’m sorry.

2. listen and choose.

3. listen and tick.

step 5. homework

1. recite the phrases.

2. do exercises in workbook.p57,p58,p60



1. review unit 1---unit 4.

2. do some exercises.


一般过去时的用法。 (肯定句与一般疑问句)




step 1. reading.

read the texts.

step 2. phrases.

unit 3

1.sports day 2.running race 3.take some photos 4.look for

5.a moment ago 6.just now 7.on the ground 8.a video recorder

9.a mobile phone 10.a pair of glasses 11.a cd walkman 12.a roll of film

step 3. pronunciation

step 4. exercises in workbook.

1. read ,think and write

2. look, read and circle.

3. read and answer.

step 5. exercises in book.

1. look, match and say.

2. look, read and respond.

last weekend, at lunchtime, this morning a present from mum

3. look, read and complete.

buy—bought take---took

step 6. homework

1. recite the phrases.

2. do exercises in workbook.p57,p58,p60



1. review unit 5---unit 6.

2. do some exercises.






step 1. reading:read the texts.

step 2. phrases.

unit 5

1.last week 2.the first day of school 3.after the holiday 4.in the school playground 5.before classes 6.with my parents 7.a funny cartoon 8.visit a farm

9.with my family the farm 11.pull up carrots 12.milk cows

eggs 14.fruit trees to the farm 16.at the camp

17a lot of food 18.a lot of games camping

unit 6

1. get excited 2.come after 3. at new year 4. have a big lunch

5. go to parties 6. visit relatives and friends 7. last spring festival 8. dress up in costumes

9. moon cakes 10. watch the moon 11 play with lanterns 12. favourite holiday

13. make easter eggs 14 give presents to each other 15. wear masks 16 make pumpkin lanterns

step 3. pronunciation

step 4. exercises in workbook.

规则:一般现在时:表示经常性的事情。时间状语:often, usually, always. every, sometimes等。有两种情况:第三人称单数,动词用三单;复数和i, you,动词用原形

一般过去时:事情发生在过去。时间状语:just now, yesterday, last等。动词用过去式,

现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作。now, look, listen. 句子结构:be+现在分词


1.今天早上,我打扫了我的卧室。 i _____my bedroom _____ _____.

2.上星期六我们拜访了我们的语文老师张老师。____saturday, we _____ our chinese teacher mr zhang.

3.高山的舅舅住在南京附近的一个小镇上。gao shan’s uncle _____ in a small town near nanjing.

4.在周末,林涛经常去看望他的外公外婆。lin tao ___ ___ his grandfather and grandmother ___ ___ __.

5.他们制作了许多漂亮的风筝,然后在操场上放飞。they made many__ _kites and flew_ __on the playground.


1.i often get up _______________(早上六点一刻)

2.my father usually _______________(看电视) after supper.

3. liu tao often visits his grandparents _______________(在周末).

4. yang ling’s uncle ______________(居住在) a small town near nanjing.

5. billy always eats a lot of food _______________(每天).

6. su hai , where is my diary? it was on my bed _______________(刚才)

step 6. homework

recite the phrases.



1. review unit 7---unit 8.

2. do some exercises.






step 1. reading.

read the texts.

step 2. phrases.

unit 7

1. at christmas 2. on christmas day 3. under the christmas tree 4. open the presentsn

5. a beautiful wallet 6.go to the supermarket by bus 7. get off 8. point to the woman beside him

9.ask him to take it to the police station 10. at lunchtime 11.last weekend 12. a present from mum

step 3. pronunciation

step 4. exercises in workbook.

重复:规则:一般现在时:表示经常性的事情。时间状语:often, usually, always. every, sometimes等。有两种情况:第三人称单数,动词用三单;复数和i, you,动词用原形

一般过去时:事情发生在过去。时间状语:just now, yesterday, last等。动词用过去式,

现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作。now, look, listen. 句子结构:be+现在分词


a:do you have any s_____ festivals in your school?

b:yes,we do . we had o_____ last month.

a:w_____ was that?

b:it was a f_____ f_____.

a:w_____ was it?

b:it was on the twenty-sixth of october.

a:what did you do?

b:i c_____five hamburgers and some c_____food.and i a_____ a lot.

a: that was f_____.


1. i usually (do) my homework in the evening. but yesterday i (do) it in the afternoon.

2. my mother can (make) cakes. she (make) some for us now.

3. where (be) david last weekend? he (be) on a farm, i think.

4. whose present is this? is it (you)? no, it isn’t. (i) is here.

5. did you (watch) the moon last mid-autumn festival? yes, i (do).

6. he usually (eat) moon cakes and_____ (watch) the moon at mid-autumn festival.

step 5. homework

1. recite the phrases.

2. review the exercises .




2.do some exercises.






step 1. reading.

read the phrases..

step 2.练习


1. it means “no cycling”。 2. there are some boys in the room.

3. tom can speak chinese. 4. we have four lessons.

5. stand in a line. 6. i watch tv every day.

7. we planted trees yesterday.


1. it means “no cycling”。 2. there are some boys in the room.

3. tom can speak chinese. 4. we have four lessons.

5. stand in a line. 6. i watch tv every day.

7. we planted trees yesterday.


1. wang bing is planting trees on the farm. 2. wang bing is planting trees on the farm.

3. wang bing is planting trees on the farm. 4. there are twelve boys in the room.

5. there are twelve boys in the room. 6. miss green teaches english in china.

7. miss green teaches english in china. 8. miss green teaches english in china.

9. it means “no cycling”。 10. i watch cartoons at home every day.

11. i watch cartoons at home every day. 12. these are my books.

13. these books are mine.


1. what is the date today?

2. what’s the time?

3. ben is ron’s brother.

4. i want to have a cd walkman as my birthday present.


1. i’m milking the cow now.(用yesterday改写)

2. that is a knife. (改复数句)

3. these are apples.(改单数句)

4. i watch tv every day.(用now改写)

step 3. homework

1. recite the phrases.

2. review the exercises

《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案 篇四

六年级学生刚学了u6 holidays对christmas已有所了解,但对西方国家的受礼知识知之甚少,对形容词性物主代词知之甚多,只是尚不知其名称。就大多数小学高年级学生而言,智力差异并不悬殊,,本课希望通过小组活动引导学生在集体中捕捉自己的亮点,人性最深切的要求是渴望别人的欣赏,尽力发扬他们内在的精神力量去弥补自身的不足,增强集体荣誉感,这节课作为第一课时力求从生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。

教学内容:1. look,read  and say


知识目标:1.能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组a wallet , ,a watch ,a calculator , a hairdryer, a teapot , a skateboard  .

2. 初步掌握名词性物主代词hers , his , mine , yours,ours的用法。

3.能听得懂、会说和会读 1  whose … is it / are they ?

it’s / they’re mine / yours /his/hers /ours .

2    open it for me,please.

3    you’re welcome.

技能目标:  能运用所学交际用语进行围绕送礼物这一主题简单得体地交谈。

情感目标:  感受西方人圣诞节的快乐,并积极地参与送礼与受礼的模拟氛围 感悟给予就是幸福。

教学重点: 初步掌握名词性物主代词her , his , mine , ours , yours的用法。

初步掌握句型whose … is it / are they ?

it’s / they’re mine / yours /his/hers /ours .


教学准备:实物(皮夹等),礼物(笔记本等),cai 等


step 1 warming up

a listen to the song “ merry christmas”


b  greetings and free talk

t :what  date is it today?

what holiday is coming soon?

what do people usually do at christmas?

what did you do  last christmas?

did you get a present last christmas?

t: sorry, you didn't  get  one .here's a present for you.

s: thank you very much.

t : not at all.  you're welcome.


t:you'd better open it at once. open it, please.

s(当场打开)it's a watch.

t: do  you  like it?

s: yes.

t:say out loudly.ok?

s:it's a nice  watch.

t: good job .在西方国家有个风俗,收到礼物一般当面打开,并表示感谢,当面表达喜爱之情,夸张一点不算过分。


step2 presentation 1


t: boys and girls ,  there are a lot of  christmas presents  on the desk . let’s see who can catch the new words ,who can get the present.

t: open it for me ,please

s:all right.

t: thanks.what is it? i like skating. i can use it to skate.who can have a try?( show the word and a skateboard on the screen  skate.board )

s: read out.

t: great. it’s for you , it's yours. yours means your skateboard .

the skateboard was mine just now ,it's yours now.how to read the word? (show two words  nine/mine   on the screen.what does “mine” mean?

s: mine means my skatboard.

t: clever , this is   my watch, we can also  say it's mine .my purses we can say they're mine too.

teach the word “hairdryer-hers,teapot-his” in the same way .

t: well done. open  it for him/her please.what is  in it?

s: 计算器 和一个皮夹

t:who can read out? show these words on the screen.cat-excuse-late- doctor


同法教wallet show those words watch-litter


t: let’s play a  game “i say you say”

i say this is my wallet , you say it's mine.

eg:that's his skatboard. it's his.

these are our  calculates.they are ours.

s work  in pairs

3. 教学名词性物主单词。

t: today i take some presents with me . they’re for you .

i ask a student to help me

t:s1, come here ,please. whose notebook is it ?

s1: (惊讶地) it’s my present .

t: yes, it’s your present, it’s yours . (板书:yours )

1. 观察板书,想一想两种物主代词的区别,再找一找规律。

2. 用两首儿歌来表示他们的不同:

a.一变(my – mine),二留( his – his ,),剩余加“s”。



step4     presentation2

t: everone did good  job just now .everybody was great .(show everybody on the screen)

now let’s  listen  what  jim’s family got last christmas?open your english book please.

s listen while reading the book.


read after the cai

t;jim is telling david about his family’s  christmas presents. match the people  with their presents.join the dots.

s read while matching .

ask and answer about the exercise  above

talk with a volunteer

t: whose watch is this?

s1: it’s dad’s. it’s  his.

ss talk show.

ask the students to  read first then answer the questions about the passage.

t: you can talk to  your partners in the group of four.


q1 where  were jim’s family? how about the presents?

q2  what  present did jim/dad /mum/grandma/grandpa get?

q3 whose  wallet/skateboard/ teapot/ hairdryer/ calculator  is it?

ask the students to read the third time to fill in the blanks.


jim’s  family w--- in  his grandpa’s house last c---- d----. e---- was e-----.there were  many p----- under the christmas tree. jim g----a c-----and a s------.grandpa  g----grandma a t----and s-----.because she l-----d-----.the w---and the  h----- were from g-------.how h---   they were!

(设计意图: 着重检测学生综合语言技能和语言应用能力、能从文章中获取主要信息并能摘录要点、能在教师的帮助下或根据图片用简单的语言描述。)

then check .

t: well done.how happy we are.everybody here  is happy .  giving   is happy!(show on the screen)

《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案 篇五



2、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型:are you free now?/how about…?/can you come and help…with…?/see you this afternoon.



focal points: 能正确的运用所学句型进行交际对话。

difficult points:

1、句型can you come and help…with…?的灵活运用。


teaching aids:多媒体课件、电话、单词卡片

step 1 preparation

1 greetings.

2 sing an english song:we can sing and dance.

step 2 revision

1 play the game: act and guess.

2 the students do and say together.

3 sum up the main points of the v.ing structure.

step 3 presentation and drill

1 teaching of the sentence:how about…?

the way:1)t:boys and girls,i like pe.do you like pe?


t:can you swim?ss:(do the action)

t:what are you doing?how about yao ming?(present the picture of yao ming)

2)drll:how about…?

2 present the picture and talk about the picture,teach the phrase and the word:at home,homework,do one’s homework.

3 the teacher talk with the students:how many courses of homework do you do every day?teach:maths.

4 use the cai to present a picture which means:a boy is doing his maths,but he can’t do the phrase:help…with…

5 drill:the using of the phrase:help …with…(make phrases)

6 practise:the sentence pattern:can you come and help… with …?(use some pictures)

7 teaching of the sentence pattern:is that…?

the way:1)t:i can’t do my homework,i’d like to ask s1 for help.(call s1)

teach the sentence pattern:is that…?

2)the students call each other.

8 teaching of the word:ring

the way :1)make the telephone the word:ring

2)drill:add two words:wing,king(the students try to read or spell them according to the pronunciation rules.)

step 4 practise

1 get the students look at the picture and talk about the picture.

2 listen to the tape recorder

3 do the exercise:true or false in pairs.

4 check the answer.

5 the students read after the tape recorder.

6 the students read in roles.

step 5 consolidation

1 the teacher act out a dialogue with a student as a model.

2 the students make out the dialogues in pairs.

3 the students act out their dialogues.

step 6 summarization

sum up the main points of the lesson

step 7 homework

1 try to make a call with your friends or your teachers.

2 read the text and the new words after the tape.

《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案 篇六


b look read and learn & c look and say

c ask and answer


1、能正确地听、说、读、写句型is there a/an… in …? yes, there is./no, there isn’t. are there any … in…? yes, there are./no, there aren’t.

2、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组first, of, term, back, each other, toilet, garden, table tennis room, reading room, swing, slide, building.

3、能听、说、读、写单词day, all, at school,


5、能用there be的结构一般疑问句询问学校的设施。


1、能正确地听、说、读、写句型is there a/an… in …? yes, there is./no, there isn’t. are there any … in…? yes, there are./no, there aren’t。

2、 能正确地听、说、读单词及词组toilet, garden, table tennis room, reading room swing, slide, building。

3、能用there be的结构一般疑问句询问学校的设施。


1、能正确地听、说、读、写句型is there a/an … in …? yes, there is./no, there isn’t. are there any … in…? yes, there are./no, there aren’t。






2)4b unit8歌曲磁带。





step 1 free talk/ revision

1 t: today is the first day of the new term. all the students are back at school. i’m happy to see you again. i think you are happy to see each other, too.

教单词first, of, day, all, at school, term。

2 读课题。

3 greetings. good morning./nice to see you again./how are you? …

4 sing a song: in the classroom

5 t: there is a … in the classroom. there are some … in the classroom.can you describe our classroom?

s: there is a … in the classroom. there are some … in the classroom.

板书 there is a … in the classroom.

there are some … in the classroom.

step 2 presentation and pratice

1 t: is there a bookcase in the classroom?

将黑板上板书改为is there a …in the …?

ask one student to guess the meaning. then help the student answer.

s: yes, there is.

板书yes, there is.

practice two by two.

2 t: is there a piano in the classroom? (摇手)

help the student answer: no, there isn’t. 板书no, there isn’t.

3 ppt出示学校照片

t: is there a toilet in the school? 教单词toilet

s:yes, there is.

practice in pairs and then check the answers.

4 同法教单词table tennis room, reading room, garden。

5 出示花园的图片,剪一滑梯放中间(也可做ppt)

t:is there a swing in the garden?

s: no, there isn’t.


6 同法教单词slide,用手势帮助学生区这两个单词(左右摆动表示swing,


7 practice. a: is there a swing/slide in the garden?

b: no, there isn’t.

8 出示p11图片

t:are there any swings in the garden? 将黑板上there are some …改为are there any …?帮助学生回答yes, there are.板书。

practice in pairs.

9 t: are there any slides in the garden? (摇手) no, there aren’t.

t: are there any slides in the garden?

s:no, there aren’t.

practice in pairs.

10 出示reading room图片,操练are there any … in the reading room? yes, there are./no, there aren’t.

11 summary.


step 3 listen, read and say/ look and say

1 t: today we have learned six words and phrases. let’s review them.

listen and read part b.


t: is there a table tennis room in the building?

s: no, there isn’t.

3 t: open your books and turn to page 9. ask and answer in pairs.

4 check the answers.

5 talk about our school.

a: is there a/an … in the school? / are there any … in the school?

b: yes, there is./no, there isn’t. / yes, there are./no, there aren’t.

step 4 consolidation

1 ppt出示校园平面图,请你重新设计,合理安排各类教室和活动室。

2 四人一组,以介绍校园为主题编对话。

data: is there a … in the school/building/reading/…?

are there any …in the school/building/reading/…?

how nice!

3 请三组学生上前表演对话。


1 copy the words of part b.

2 write the small dialogues of part c in the exercise books.

3 listen and read the words of part after the tape four times.

4 recite the words.


unit 1 the first day at school (b&c)

is there a/an …inthe …?

yes, there is. / no, there isn’t.

are there any …inthe …?

yes, there are. / no, there aren’t.


牛津小学英语5a unit 1 (第一课时)教案 来自第一范文网。

《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 6教案 篇七

课        题

unit 5  review and check    第二课时 ( 复习课 )








教 学 准 备


教 学 方 法




step 1: warm up

1. 师生齐唱歌曲 two jackets

2.  free talk.

t: hello, what’s in our classroom?

s: there is a tv in our classroom.

t: is there a bookcase in our classroom?

s: yes, there is.

t: unit 1 talks about our school and our classroom. today we’ll go to unit 2 which talks about a house.

step 2: presentation and practice

1. here’s yang ling’s new house. please say something about her house. 教师提问:where is the …? 引出介词 behind ,under 并四会学习单词

2. 教师利用实物作道具,边示范边说介词,如:the ball is in the box. /on the box /under the box/ behind the box… 师生互问答:where’s the ball? it’s…

3.      3. 游戏: 教师随意摆放球的位置,让一学生转过身去看不到,猜测球的位置,is there a ball in the box ?/is there a ball behind the box?….让全班学生回答:yes, there is. /no, there isn’t.



4.      look and answer.

t: look at the pictures, then ask and answer in pairs.学生自由操练,然后三到四组同学展示。说反话游戏。

5. t: now, it’s fun time. let’s play a game, 说反话。if i say “there is a pen in the pencil box.” you should say “there isn’t a pen in the pencil box.” pay attention to the plural form.请注意复数, some要改成any.

step 3: consolidation

1 find the differences

t: here are two pictures. try to say something about the differences, using there’s/ there are… in picture 1/2. there isn’t/ there aren’t … in picture 1/2.

2. say a rhyme: do you like my house?

3.      dictation.


作    业

1. listen to the tape and repeat three times.

2. copy the words and sentences.


unit 5  review and check


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