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众鼎号分享 16333

众鼎号 分享


题名常见句型 篇一


基本句型为:Research of 。.。(对于XXX的研究); Study on.。.(基于XXX的研究);

Design of.。.(关于XXX的设计); Research and Application of.。.(XXX的研究与运用)

基本要求为:准确:论文标题的英译必须准确到位,避免漏译;简洁:没有实际内容的汉语字词可不必译出(如:关于乔治斯坦纳阐释学四步骤的研究,可不将“关于”翻译出来,直接翻译成“Research of/ Study on.。.”即可。


格式:标题中所有实词的首字母大写,虚词等小写,五个字以上的虚词的首字母(如before, between等)大写。

语态方面 篇二


如:A new approach is put forward in the paper

that/Conclusion can be drawn from the experiment






毕业论文摘要英文 篇三

On Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability in Chinese Version of The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson

Crusoe from Perspective of Functionalism


This thesis is an attempt to apply functionalism to literary translation and prove its feasibility by analyzing the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe causing by cultural gaps.

Functionalism is a broad term for various theories that approach translation by focusing on the function or functions of texts and translations.

And the four important representatives of functionalism are Katharina Reiss, Hans J.

Vermeer, Justa Holz-Mnttri and Christiane Nord.

This thesis attempts to apply the core rules of Skopostheorie – to analyze the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe which is caused by cultural gaps, in the hope of gaining a better understanding of literary translation from the perspective of functionalism.

This paper is composed of four chapters.

The first one is introduction.

Chapter 2 introduces the German Functionalism and translation theories including a brief introduction to the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe and the author Defoe.

Chapter 3 goes over the application of the main translation theory Skopostheorie in analyzing the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe causing by cultural gaps with analyzing the culture factor in translation.

Besides, this chapter also analyses the limitations of Skopostheorie.

In chapter 4, the final conclusion is that functionalism is also applicable to literary translation and can provide a different perspective in solving the untranslatability causing by cultural gaps.

Key Words: functionalism; skopostheorie; untranslatability; culture gaps; The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe



摘 要











第三章主要是应用德国功能主义翻译理论-目的论分析小说中由于文化差异而导致的不可译性,除此之外,还 www.chayi www.1126888.com 5.com介绍了目的论的局限性。


论文摘要的英文翻译 篇四

Feminist translation theory rose mainly in the 1980s, thanks to the Western women's movement and the wave of feminism. The formation and development of this theory is closely related to the "cultural turn" in translation studies. Feminist translation theory advocates the combination of translation theory and feminist movement, which is contrary to the traditional view of translation.

Feminists believe that the traditional translation theory subordinates the translation to the original, which is similar to the traditional concept that women depend on men, and translation is always in a weak position. Therefore, in order to better realize the value of translation, it is advocated to change the traditional concept of "faithfulness" in translation, take translation as a way of cultural intervention and a means of cultural coordination, change the binary opposition of "author work, translator translation", pay attention to the symbiotic relationship between the original text and translation, and treat the author and translator equally Build a bridge of communication between the translator and the reader, that is, translation, and reflect the translator's subjective behavior in his works. Although feminist translation theory has also been criticized, the development of feminism has indelible value and contribution to modern and contemporary literary translation.

Feminist translation theory, as a major school of translation theory, pays attention to gender differences in translation and changes the traditional male dominated gender subject consciousness in literary translation. Feminist translation theory takes women as the metaphor of translation, advocates re examining social culture from a female perspective in translation, and pays attention to highlighting female subject identity and female consciousness in translation works.

Moreover, feminist translation theory also gives us a lot of enlightenment. For example, in the process of translation, we should grasp the real value of women, link the text with the corresponding social, historical and cultural and related texts, and pay attention to the internal relationship between the translator and the author, works and readers in literary translation, so as to make their works more image Accurate and vivid, more highly reflect its literary level and value.

论文摘要的英文翻译 篇五

With the rapid development of china's economic and improvement of people's material living standards,ethics problem is getting attention.

Construction of Accountants ' professionalethics is an important part of economic management and accounting, it isfundamental to guarantee the quality of accounting information.

As importantparticipants in economic and accounting information provided by accountants,their level of professional ethics, not only affects the quality of theaccounting information, but also the implementation of China's financial lawsystem, economic order maintenance and the development of our economy,therefore, strengthen the construction of Accountants ' professional ethics, itis imperative to improve the quality of accounting information.

Based on theanalysis of false accounting information and accounting professional ethics inour country on the basis of the reasons for the decline, proposes to strengthenaccounting professional ethics construction, measures to improve the quality ofaccounting informatio

毕业论文摘要英文 篇六


As an applied language, English advertisement has its own linguistic style and features.

Its language is original, beautiful and full of connotations.

English advertisemet, using the simplest language to express the most complex meanings, stimulates people’s desire for shopping.

The skillful use of puns makes advertising language more vivid and humourous.

Therefore, puns have been applied much in the field of English advertisements to attatch more attention.

Accordingly the effective translation of puns in this field becomes more and more important.

This thesis has studied certain so as to make the Chinese translation of puns in English advertisements complete.

Based on differences in language, lexicon and sentence structure of puns, this paper explain puns in detail from three respects including homophone, homograph and parody puns.

This study plays the solid foundation for the translation of puns in English advertisements.

Moreover, under the guide of the theory of “functional equivalence”, this thesis proposed three translation principles which provide theory supports for the Chinese translation of puns in this field.

Furthermore, this paper studies the Chinese translation of puns in this field combining large amount of English advertisements with puns, and proposed five translation skills.

This paper gives originality, flexibility and humorousness of puns better expression in Chinese translation texts

Key words: Puns, English advertisements, Translation Principles,

Translation skills

摘 要










关键词: 双关语 英语广告 翻译原则 翻译技巧

论文摘要翻译的技巧与方法 篇七



摘要主题翻译 篇八

摘要: Abstract(第一行居中)

语言结构:语态:一般为被动语态(The research is consisted with five parts.。.“本论文包括五个部分”。

);时态:一般来说,目的用将来时(The purpose of the research is to.。.),方法和结果用过去时(The research method was.。./It was showed that.。.)结论用一般现在时(The research shows that.。.)。

关键词:Key words (“Key”的首字母大写,其余全部小写)。


例: 关键词:归化法;异化法;教学方法;翻译过程

Key words: domestication, foreignization, teaching approach, translation process







