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cut作名词的意思 篇一


英语语法:短语cut down, cut off的用法 篇二

45. cut down缩减

用法:cut down还在“裁剪衣物”的意思,且cut down可用于被动语态。

例句:The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses. (2013年6月四级)


语法点:“定冠词+姓氏的复数形式”,一般表示一家人。The Edwards是主语, should cut down是谓语, on their living expenses是状语。

46. cut off缩减

用法:cut off还有“中断,阻断”的意思。

例句:The roots of crops are cut off. (2013年12月六级)


47. deal in经营,买卖

用法:deal in后接名词或者动名词,注意区分与deal with的区别,deal with表示“处理”。

例句:The newstore on the Fifth Avenue only deals in women’s clothes.


48. decide on选定,决定

用法:decide on表示“对……做出了决定”,其后一般接表示事物的名词。

例句:They had a discussion with their parents before deciding on the wedding date.


20191114作业形容词短语:develop into发展成为

例句:It takes a long time for small companies to develop into big ones.

cut的时态 篇三

现在分词: cutting

过去式: cut

过去分词: cut

cut作动词的意思 篇四


关于cut的几种地道用法 篇五

cut corners

cut it out!

cut corners The developer was fined and strongly condemned to cut corners in building the house.

As a young man, you shouldn't always think about how to cut corners in life.

My company laid off a lot of employees because of the economic recession, I was given the responsibility not only for production and sales, but also for finance as matter how hard I tried to cut corners, there's still not enough time for me to finish my work.

cut it out!

1.I don't want to hear any of your explanation, just cut it out!

2.The kids were fighting and I told them to cut it out.

3.Hey, the most beautiful girl I have ever known.

Oh, come on, cut it out, just tell me how much you need!

4.Don't kill me! Please! I am really short for money these days,just give me a few days, and I promise I will get you what you want.

Cut it out! Give me the money now so that I can save a bullet.

cut out forcut someone some slackcut to the chase

cut out for

I'm sure he'd make a good teacher,he seems to be cut out for the job.

My Mom wanted me to be an musician,

but I just wasn’t cut out for it .

I think they are cut out for each other.

cut someone some slackI am sorry, but I didn't realize this is a one way street, could you please cut me some slack, officer?

Jim is often late for work these days, but the boss decided to cut him some slack, because he just went through a divorce.

cut to the chaseWhy don't we just cut to the chase, we don’t have time to waste.

I know your products are of good quality, now let's cut to the

chase, what kind of discount can you offer me?







