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暑假作业答案 八年级【最新4篇】

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八年级暑假作业答案 篇一

一、1.热胀冷缩的,35℃-42℃   2.甲:11℃、乙16℃、丙:9℃

3.冷热程度,温度高   4.冰水混合物,一标准大气压下沸水,-273℃



7.(1)液化,吸热 (2)汽化,吸热 (3)凝华,放热

8.(1)汽化 (2)液化 (3)升华 (4)凝华





二、1.a   2.c   3.d   4.c   5.ad   6.c

7.b   8.bc 9.d   10.c   11.a   12.c

三、1.×  2.×  3.√  4.×  5.×  6.×  7.√  8.×






题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

答案 d b d d a c a d b d b a b b d c d b


19.增大 不变 20.10 减小

21.8 竖直向上 22.大 受力面积小,压强大

23.连通器 上升 24.自身的重力 不变

25.转动摇把 定滑轮


26.评分说明:正确画出f 的力臂l1( 1 分) 、重力g的示意图( 1 分)

27、(1)二力平衡 ;

(2)甲和丙 接触面越粗糙;


28、(1)让力臂沿杠杆,便于直接从杠杆上读出力臂的大小; f1×l1= f2×l2;

(2) 1 变大

29、(1)2.4; (2)当物体排开液体的体积一定时,物体所受浮力的大小与液体密度有关,且液体密度越大,所受浮力越大;

(3)物体排开液体的体积;与物体浸入液体的深度; (4)1.2×103

暑假作业答案 八年级 篇二


I. 1. longer   2. to clean     3. to listen     4. plays    5. are

6. to stop   7. won’t feel     8. open       9. mend    10. terribly

II. 1-5 DDBAC 6-10 BCDBA

III. 1. like eating     2. a great / big success     3. always asking

4. angry with     5. complain about; stops working

6. to finish; to work   7. to keep; quiet       8. was shown; the 1950s

9. to laugh at     10. in trouble with

IV. 1. me www.shubaoc.com mory   2. old     3. their

4. to protect    5. hear about

6. recently   7. like    8. is caused   9. questions 10. first

暑假作业答案 八年级 篇三

I. 1-5 ADBCC 6-10 ADBAC

II. 1. change    2. since     3. held     4. they     5. make

6. much    7. agree     8. problems   9. if     10. worry

III. (A) 1. free   2. soon     3. Where   4. buy   5. have a great time

(B) 1. weather   2. wrong   3. like     4. be     5. pity

6. mistakes   7. again     8. not     9. reading   10. rainy

(C) 1-5 ECGFA

IV. One possible version:


There will be a speech in the school hall this Thursday afternoon. The topic is about the protection of the environment. All the teachers and students should go to the hall on time. The speech includes the following points.

Firstly, we should not litter everywhere in order to keep the environment clean. Secondly, we must take good care of the plants so that we can enjoy the green. Thirdly, we should walk or ride bikes more. Fourthly, we also should save wa

ter and electricity.

The Students’ Union

暑假作业答案 八年级 篇四


I. 1. improve     2. lifeless   3. flood     4. prefer    5. atmosphere


III. 1. pollution  2. confident     3. Steam     4. state     5. cause

6. climate     7. sightseeing     8. solve     9. sunlight   10. view

IV. 1. educational   2. doesn’t turn    3. arrival   4. to support 5. speaking

6. thought   7. deeply     8. protection   9. to read 10. more

V. 1. information 2. habit 3. member  4. host 5. aim

6. exchange 7. passport 8. result    9. square

10. environment

VI. 1. put out         2. learnt about     3. since then

4. in the form of     5. take action


I. 1. Mr Wu starts his day by taking a cold shower.

2. We didn’t go fishing because of the wind.

3. She does eye exercises so that she can protect her eyes.

4. The student exchange gives you a chance to learn a new language.

5. Millie is such a clever girl that she is good at all subjects.

II. 1. took many / a lot of photos   2. to rise       3. as soon as possible

4. strong enough to stop     5. keep / stop; from getting

6. keeps in touch       7. all the way     8. as well as

9. so many; that         10. looking forward to working

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