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英语励志小故事带翻译 篇一

The Chinese ancestors have accumulated a serious of experience to justand adopt talents, i.e., five observations.

To observation who to be with: Know more details about his companies. 重用 if e groups withtalents; be cautious if he together with villain.

To observe how to conduct with: See how he would conduct his fortune. Heis not supposed to (be) 重用 if he isjust satisfy himself, waste fortune and covet self-enjoyment.

To observe how to select: See how he select his potential sub-manager ina leading position. The man who is 任人唯贤,量才录用 must be the promising ones who broad in mindand just in business.

To observe what to avoid: Know more about his integrity while introuble: 若虽身处困境,却不做任何苟且之事,这样的人就可以放心地委以重任。

To observe what to deny: Know more about his choice when he is in poverty.The ideal one is不取不义之财,甘守清贫,则品性高洁。若见钱眼开,如蝇逐臭,就万不可重用。


古人在实践中积累了一套识人、用夕、的经验,归纳起来为“五视”,即: 居视其所亲。注意观察一个人平时跟谁在一起。如与贤人相近,则可重用;相反,若与小人为伍,就要加以当心。





英语故事 篇二

The fowler and the lark 捕鸟人和百灵鸟

A fowler was setting his nets for little birds when a lark1 came up to him and asked him what he was doing. "I am engaged in founding a city," said he, and with that he withdrew to a short distance and concealed2 himself. The lark examined the nets with great curiosity, and presently, catching3 sight of the bait, hopped4 on to them in order to secure it, and became entangled5 in the meshes6. The fowler then ran up quickly and captured her. "What a fool I was!" said she: "but at any rate, if that's the kind of city you are founding, it'll be a long time before you find fools enough to fill it."


英语小故事带翻译 篇三

Kua Fu tried his best to chase the sun. When he arrived at the place where the sun set, he had to turned around, as he could not bear the thirst, and came to the Yellow River and the Wei River.

夸父竭尽全力追赶太阳。当他追赶太阳降落的地方时, 由于忍受不了干渴,只好掉转头,回到黄河、渭河所在的地方,一口气便将这两条河里的水喝得精光。

In one breath, he quaffed up all the water in both rivers. Though he drank up two rivers, he still felt thirsty, and he decided to go to the large lake in the north for a good drink. On the way to the north, Kua Fu eventually died of thirst。


The walking stick thrown down by him, being nurtured by the nourishment converted from his dead body, unexpectedly bloomed and fructified, and it grew into peach woods, which stretched for thousands of miles.


英语小故事带翻译 篇四

A little panda picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home. But the pumpkin is too big. The panda can’t take it home.


Suddenly she sees a bear riding a bike toward her. She watches the bike. “I know! I have a good idea.” she jumps and shouts happily, “I can roll a pumpkin. It’s like a wheel.”


So she rolls the pumpkin to her home. When her mother sees the big pumpkin, she is surprised, “Oh, my God! How can you carry it home?” the little panda answers proudly, “I can’t lift it, but I can roll it.” Her mother smiled and says,“What a clever girl!”


英语故事 篇五

The bear and the sisters

Two sisters were playing games on the bank of a river. They were playing happily. One of them was named Janny, the other was Rose.

While they there running to the foot of a hill, they saw a big brown bear standing1 before them. They were very frightened. They ran away at once.

"Please don't run! I won't eat you. I'm a man, not a bear, I'm friendly," the bear said. The two girls looked at the bear: the bear stood up, his hair all fell away. There, a young man stood, he was tall, he had good looks. "It's lucky for me to meet you, you can save me," he said.

"Who are you? How can we save you?"

"I'm Scoff2. My father and mother don't know I'm a bear now. they are always looking for me. They don't know where I am. I see them often, but I cannot talk to them. Let me tell you something about me."

"I was a prince," the young man said, "One day, I played on the bank of the river, an old woman came, she said soothing3 and threw a brown coat at me.

英语小故事带翻译 篇六

During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was an old fisherman in Wuling. One day, he took his boat out to go fishing. As the boat floated downstream, the fisherman lost his way. Suddenly, a beautiful forest of peach trees with flowers in full bloom caught his eyes. He carried on sailing to the end of the forest where he found a mountain with a small cave at its foot. After the fisherman walked through the cave, a new world opened up before him. The people seemed happy and gentle, and lived peaceful lives with no arguments or disputes. The old rested quietly while the young played happily.


Unlike the world outside the cave, there was no conflict or turbulence. When they saw the fisherman, the people asked him not to tell others what he had seen there.


But when he got home the fisherman told the other villagers about his experiences. They did not really believe him but followed him back to the cave out of curiosity. But he never found the place again.


英语励志小故事带翻译 篇七

Showing Off One's Proficiency with the Axe Before Lu Ban the Master Carpenter

in ancient times, Lu Ban was supposed to be a consummate master in construction and sculpture. Carpenters respect him as ancestor master. It is said that he once carved a colorful wooden phoenix that was so lifelike that it actually flew in the sky for three days. Thus it was considered the height of folly to show off one's skill with an axe in front of Lu Ban.

This idiom excoriates those who show off their slight accomplishments in front of experts.



小英语故事短文带翻译 篇八

Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue.

The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, "Gigantic Sale!" and "Super Bargains!"

The store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, "Prices Slashed!" and "Fantastic Discounts!"

The owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, "ENTRANCE"。







英语故事 篇九


Although an eagle had changed into a cushat, it forgot all this while it was flying.

Seeing a flock1 of birds in the woods, it could not help diving down, tweeting like an eagle.

On hearing the sound of an eagle, and the birds were so scared that they did not dare to move. A crow saw the flying bird's claws. Beak2 and feathers were just like a cushat's rather than an eagle, except its voice. It ran out and shouted to cal on the birds to drive away this fellow, who was making fun.

The cushat, who hadn't the beak and claws of an eagle, could not fight back. It had to hide in the woods, and suffer the censure3 and attack from the flock of birds.











