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众鼎号分享 47517

众鼎号 分享


三年级英语知识点 篇一

Unit 2 This is my pencil。

一。必背单词bag book pen pencil glue marker eraser sharpener ruler pencil glad 高兴的 ,nice 漂亮的

二。必背句型:介绍某人必用 This is Kate。

见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you =Glad to meet you。

答语:Nice to meet you ,too=Glad to meet you,too。

三。词型转化:I物主代词my , I 宾格 me ,you 物主代词your,too同音词two/to, this反义词that ,glad反义sad , glad 同义happy meet同音 meat bye同音by


(一)陈述句:This is my marker。

否定句:This is not my marker。

一般疑问句:Is this your marker?

肯定回答:Yes,it is。否定回答:No ,it isn’t。

划线句提问:What’s this ?

(二)It’s nice!它真漂亮!


(四)Find the same one 。找到相同的一个。

三年级英语知识点 篇二

Unit 4 I have a ball


doll ball kite balloon car bus bike taxi train ship boat sure (当然了)super(棒极了)really(真正的)


Look!I have a train. 看,我有个小火车。

How nice!真棒 Can I see it ?

Thank you.谢谢你。

You’re welcome = Not at all=That’s OK.不客气。

三。词形转化:new反义old, see同义词look

you’re 完全形式 you are, I宾格 me,out 反义in you物主代词your, it“be”动词is,nice同义词good good副词well ,have第三人称单数has,Yes反义no no同音词know(知道) big反义词small, It is缩写It‘s

四。句式转化(一) It is a balloon 。(陈述句)

It is not a balloon 。(否定句)

Is it a balloon ? (一般疑问句)

Yes , it is 。(肯定回答)No, it isn’t.(否定回答)

What is it?(对划线处提问)

(二)陈述句:I have a taxi.

否定句:I don’t have a taxi.

一般疑问句:Do you have a taxi?

肯定回答:Yes ,I do.

否定回答:No ,I don’t.

对划线处提问:What do you have?

(三)陈述句:I can swim.

否定句:I can’t swim.

一般疑问句:Can you swim?

肯定回答:Yes, I can.

否定回答:No,I can’t.

对划线处提问:What can you do?

拓展认读:Merry Christmas.圣诞节快乐。

Look!It’s Santa. 看,它是圣诞老人。

小学三年级基础英语知识点 篇三

1. 打招呼:

Hi! Hello!

How do you do?

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

How are you? —I‟m OK./I‟m fine.

And you? — I‟m fine,too.

Nice to meet you. —Nice to meet you, too.

Glad to meet you. — Glad to meet you, too.

Goodbye! Bye-bye!

2. 介绍自己,询问别人名字:

My name is ….

What is your name?

I‟m …. / My name is …

3. 询问年龄:

How old are you? —I‟m nine/ten。/ Sorry, I don‟t know.

Are you nine, too? —Yes, I am./No, I‟m ten.

小学三年级基础英语知识点 篇四

学习文具:pen (钢笔) pencil (铅笔) pencil-case ( 铅笔盒) ruler(尺子) eraser(橡皮) crayon (蜡笔) book (书) bag (书包) sharpener (卷笔刀) school (学校)

身体部位:head (头) face( 脸) nose (鼻子) mouth (嘴) eye (眼睛) leg (腿) ear (耳朵) arm (胳膊) finger (手指) leg (腿) foot (脚) body (身体)

颜色:red (红色的) yellow (黄色的) green (绿色的) blue (蓝色的) purple (紫色的) white (白色的) black (黑色的) orange (橙色的) pink (粉色的) brown (棕色的)

动物:cat (猫) dog (狗) monkey (猴子) panda (熊猫) rabbit( 兔子) duck (鸭子)  pig (猪) bird (鸟) bear (熊) elephant (大象) mouse (老鼠) squirrel (松鼠)

食物:cake (蛋糕) bread (面包) hot dog (热狗) hamburger (汉堡包) chicken (鸡肉)  French fries (炸薯条) coke (可乐) juice (果汁) milk (牛奶)  water (水) tea (茶) coffee (咖啡)

数字:one (一) two (二) three (三)  four (四) five (五) six( 六) seven (七) eight (八) nine( 九) ten( 十)  doll (玩具娃娃)  boat (小船) ball (球) kite (风筝) balloon (气球) car (小汽车)  plane (飞机)

三年级英语知识点 篇五

Unit 1 Hello I’m Monkey

一。必背词汇:cat monkey duck dog panda bear pig rabbit bird mouse

二。必背句型:1.Hello!I’m Kate。你好!我是凯特。

2.What’s your name ?My name is Lisa 。你叫什么名字?我叫丽萨。

3.Good morning! 早上好!上午好!

4.Good afternoon! 下午好!

5.Good evening ! 晚上好!

6.Good night ! 晚安!

7.Goodbye != Bye!=See you!再见!



2、 I’m完全形式I am

3.I Be动词 am

4.My name’s=My name is


(一)陈述句:I am Peter.

否定句: I’m not Peter.

一般疑问句: Are you Peter?

肯定回答:Yes. I am 。

否定回答:No,I’m not.

划线处提问: What’s your name?

(二)陈述句:My name is Miss Wu.

否定句:My name is not Miss Wu.

一般疑问句: Is your name Miss Wu?

肯定回答:Yes. I is 。

否定回答:No,it isn’t.

划线处提问: What’s your name?

(三)I’m Mr Lin.=My name is Mr Lin.

(四)Who are you?你是谁?

(五) Good morning boy and girls!早上好孩子们!

(六)Good night! Mum and Dad!


(七)Act like a monkey!扮演个猴子!

五。Be 动词有三个,(我)是am,(你)是are,is用在“她”“ 他”“ 它”,其余人称都用are。

三年级英语知识点 篇六

Unit 5 What colour is it?

一。必背词汇:red blue green yellow purple brown White black pink orange grey(灰色) draw colour


What colour is it ? 它是什么颜色的?

It’s orange.它是橘色的。

Let’s draw an orange.让我们画个橘子吧!

Colour it purple. 把它涂成紫色。

What colour is your ball ? 你的球什么色?三。句式转化:

It is brown coat.陈述句

It isn’t a brown coat.否定句

Is it a brown coat ?一般疑问句

Yes ,it is 。肯定回答No, it isn’t.否定回答

What colour is the coat? 对划短线处提问

What is it? 对划长线处提问

四。Show me a yellow sharpener 。(祈使句)

Don’t show me a yellow sharpener 。(变否定句)

三年级英语知识点 篇七

Unit 3 Look at my nose

一。必背词汇nose eye face mouth head ear neck arm hand leg knee foot 脚的单数,feet脚的复数,shoulder肩膀,toe

二。必背句型:Look at my mouth。看看我的……

A:How are you ? 你好吗?

B:I’m fine ,thank you。我很好,谢谢你。

A:And you?你呢

B:Not very well=Not so well。不是很好,一般般吧。

A:Look at my arm 。看看我的胳膊。

B:Oh,I’m sorry。噢,对不起。


Nod your head 点点你的头

Touch ypur face 摸摸脸Open your mouth 张开你的嘴

Clap your hand 拍拍手Close your eye 闭上眼

Wave your arm 挥挥胳膊

四。词形转化:big反义small eye同音词I foot复数feet have第三人称单数has knee复数knee’s We物主代词our friend复数friends

五。Welcome to our group。/school欢迎来到我们组。(学校)

六。句型转化:肯定句 Look at my head 。(祈使句)

变否定句:Don’t look at my head 。


A:Hi!I’m Li Yan.

B:Hello!I’m Bill.

A:Glad to meet you.

B:Glad to emeet you ,too.

A:How are you?

B:I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

A:I’m fine too 。Goodbye.

B: Goodbye



Hello.I’m bill 。 I’m ten 。I’m a boy. I have big eyes.I Have small nose 。 I have big mouth 。I have small ears. I have a big face 。I’m very happy.


My friend

This is my friend Peter. He is ten 。He is cool. He has a big face. He has big eyes. He has small nose. He has big mouth. He has small ears. He is tall.We’re friends. We’re happy.







上一篇:经济管理学的心得体会简短 管理经济学知识点心得体会(5篇)
