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二年级英语下册知识点 篇一

1、 I/you/we/they/ 复数名词+V.(原)+……。 例子:

I like sweets.(我喜欢甜品)

He/she/it/单数名词+V(。s/es)+……。 例子:My mother watches TV on Sundays.(我妈妈星期天看电视)

2、 I/you/we/they/ 复数名词+don’t+V.(原)+……。 例子:I don’t like meat.(我不喜欢吃肉)

He/she/it/单数名词+doesn’t+V(。原)+……。 She doesn’t like these trousers.(她不喜欢这条裤子)

3.Do+ I/you/we/they/ 复数名词+V.(原)+……?

例子:Do you like bananas? (你喜欢香蕉吗)Yes,___ do.

No,I don’t. No,I don’t.

Does+ he/she/it/单数名词+V.(原)+……?

例子:Does your mother go swimming on Sundays?(_妈星期天去游泳吗?)

Yes,____does. No,____doesn’t. Yes,she does.

4.What do/does_____do+……? 例子:What do you do on Sundays? (星期天你做什么?)

I/you/we/they/ 复数名词+V.(原)+……。 I play football on Sundays. (我星期天踢足球。)

二年级下学期英语知识点 篇二

1、 come on 加油

2、 fly a kite 放风筝

—flies a kite

3、 ride a bike 骑自行车

rides a bike

4、 fly my kite放我的风筝

5、 ride my bike骑我的自行

6、 play football踢足球

7、 play basketball打篮球

8、 at a party在(一个)聚会上

9、 this shirt这件衬衫

10、 these shoes这双鞋

11、 these trousers这条裤子

12、 these clothes这些衣服

13、 get up 起床

14、 go to school 上学

15、 have lunch 吃午餐

16、 play football踢足球

17、 go home 回家

18、 go to bed 上床睡觉

19、 on Sundays在星期天

20、 at the park 在公园

21、 go to the park去公园

22、 in the sky在天上

23、 big city大城市by bike骑自行车

24、 by car坐小汽车 by bus乘公汽

25、 by train乘火车

26、 by ship / by boat乘船

27、 walk to school走着去学校

28、 go to work上班

29、 on holiday度假

30、 go to the zoo去动物园

1.When did you come back?你是什么时候回来的?

2.We came back last Sunday.我们上个星期日回来的。

3.I dropped my ice cream.我掉了我的冰激凌

二年级下册英语句子辅导知识点 篇三

1.Come and dance with me. 来和我跳舞。

2.Come and jump with me. 来和我跳。

3.Come and eat with me. 来和我吃。

4.Come and run with me. 来和我跑。

5.Come and draw a little tree with me. 来和我画一颗小树。

6.Come and read a little book with me. 来和我读一本小书。

7.Come and sing a little song with me. 来和我唱一首小歌。

8.I like to swim. 我喜欢游泳。

9.I like to sleep. 我喜欢睡觉。

10.I like to play. I like to read and write, too.

我喜欢玩。 我也喜欢读和写。

11.What do you like to eat? I like to eat eggs. I like to eat fish, too.

你喜欢吃什么? 我喜欢吃蛋。 我也喜欢吃鱼。

12.Do you like milk? Yes, I like milk.

你喜欢牛奶吗? 是的,我喜欢牛奶。

Do you like meat? No, I don’t like meat.

你喜欢肉吗? 不,我不喜欢肉。

and give me a rubber. 来给我一块橡皮。

and give me a ruler. 来给我一把尺。

and show me your book. 来给我看你的书。

and take your present. Open your present.

来拿你的礼物。 打开你的礼物。

17.Follow me and play with me. Turn left. Touch your left eye.

跟随我并和我玩。 左转。 触摸你的左眼。

Turn right. Touch your right ear.

右转。 触摸你的右耳朵。

小学二年级英语语法知识点 篇四


1、一般情况下,直接加-s如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds

2、以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches

3、以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries

4、以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es

如:knife-knives, wife-wives


man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen,

mouse-mice, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, fish-fish, people-people

Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese







