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英语微课教学设计 篇一


知识点名称there be句型学科类型及其对象语法小学英语四年级下册





1、讲授there be句型的定义及结构

2、正确使用there be句型的肯定,否定及一般疑问形式


today we’ll learn “there be”。

一:there be句型的定义及结构

1、定义:there be句型表示某地有某物或某人。


(1) there is +单数可数名词+地点状语。 there is a book on the desk. there is an umbrella in the bag.

(2) there is +不可数名词+地点状语。 there is some milk in the cup. there is some sheep and a cow on the farm.

(3) there are +复数名词+地点状语。

there are four chairs in the living room.

there are some birds and a balloon in the sky.从以上例句中我们可以发现there是引导词,在句中不充当任何成分,翻译时也不必译出。句子的主语是某人或某物,be动词表示“有”,谓语动词be要与主语(某人或某物)的单复数保持一致。some既可用于可数名词也可用于不可数名词。

二:there be句型的变化

1:变成否定句there be+not+某物+地点状语。 there be句型的否定式的构成和含有be动词的其它句型一样,在be后加上not.注意,is not的缩写是isn’t,are not的缩写是aren’t.当肯定句中有some时,要将其改为any(疑问变化也一样)。 there isn’t a book on the desk. there isn’t an umbrella in the bag. there isn’t any milk in the cup. there isn’t any sheep and a cow on the farm.

there aren’t four chairs in the living room.

there aren’t a lot of birds and a balloon in the sky.

2:变成一般疑问句,。 there be句型的一般疑问句变化是把be动词调整到句首,再在句尾加上问号即可。基本句型:be + there+某物+地点状语?回答:yes, there + be. no, there + be +not. - is there a book on the desk? -yes,there is. - is there an umbrella in the bag? -no,there isn’t. - is there any milk in the cup? -yes,there is. - is there any sheep and a cow on the farm?- no,there isn’t. -are there four chairs in the living room? -yes,there are. - are there a lot of birds and a balloon in the sky?- no,there aren’t.


1、 there_______a beautiful garden in our school.

2、 there __________some bread on the table.

3、 ________there any maps on the wall?

________,there is.

4、 there __________twenty desks in our classroom.

5、 ________there a cup of tea on the table?

no,there ________.

6、 there_________some apple juice in the glass.

7、 there_____ two chairs and a bed in her room.

8、 there __________some children in the park.

9、 there__________a teacher and many students in our classroom.

10、 there__________an orange on the table.

设计理念与特色使用ppt将there be句型的定义,结构,肯定、否定及一般疑问形式都能熟练掌握,学会运会。

小学4年级英语微课教案 篇二

教学课题: there be 句型专题


1、掌握There be 结构所表达的意义。

2、能听懂和看懂包含There be 句型的简短对话。

3、能运用学过词汇和there be 句型来简单描述一下某处有某物。


there be 句型的肯定式、否定式一般疑问句及其回答方式。


1、There be概念。

There be 。.。句型,表示的是“存在”, “某地有某人或某物”,其结构为There be(is,are)+某物 / 某人 + 某地。

2、be动词的用法。单数名词和不可数名词用is, 复数用are.

3、There is的句子结构: There is a book on the desk. There is some water in the bottle.

5、There are的句子结构: There are some pictures on the wall.


7、There be句型就近原则及练习。

四、小结及There be口诀。

小学4年级英语微课教案 篇三


School__ Number3 Middle School____

Junior or Senior Section _Junior__ Cla ____3____

Grade _1_______ Size ______45__


Date __2009-12-28____ Materials __Go for it______

Type of leon _reading ____ Contents: 1.Vocabulary: Some nouns about furniture and some daily use things: table, bed, dreer, bookcase, sofa, chair, backpack, books, keys, baseball, drawer, plant.Some prepositions of place: on, in, under

2.Structure: Where is (Where’s)…?

It is (It’s) in/on/under…

Where are…?

They are (They’re) in/on/under…


I don’t know.Is it /are they on/in/under… ? No, it isn’t./They aren’t./ Yes, it is./they are.

3.1) Dialogue: Where’s the bag?

I don’t know.

Is it on the dreer? No, it isn’t.

Where are my books?

I don’t know.Are they on the bed? No, they’re not.2)Writing: ask, gue and write


1.Instructional objectives (language knowledge and language skills)

1) To promote students’ vocabulary development (table, bed, dreer, bookcase, sofa, chair, backpack, books, keys, baseball, drawer, plant.…)

2) To promote students’ reading skills

a) prediction

b) skimming

3) To promote students’ oral English

4) To develop students’ writing ski ll

2.Educational objectives (affect, learning strategy and cultural awarene)

1) To develop students’ ability to communicate with others to get information

2) To build students’ confidence

3) To make students learn to cooperate with others

3.Personal objectives: 1) To develop teacher’s ability of claroom management

Focal points: a: the nouns.b: prepositions of place

c: Where- question and d: answers to “Is the… in/on/under the …?”;

Difficult points: a: use the prepositions to describe position of things b: use the where-question and Is it-/Are they -question to ask things’


Aids: PPT, blackboard, chalk … Procedures and Time Allotment 1.Getting students ready for learning

( mins)

1) Greetings: Good morning everyone! 2) Routine task: duty report

2.Revision: Use some pictures to review the vocabulary ( table, bed, dreer, bookcase, sofa, chair, backpack, books, keys, baseball, drawer, plant, on, in, under) and sentence structure:

Where is (Where’s)…? It is (It’s) in/on/under Where are…? They are (They’re) in/on/under… 3.Pre-reading : Step1: vocabulary and some phrases learning

Task: Look at the conversation between them and gue the meaning of the sentences in red.( using the conversation between Liu Qian and A Xin to show those phrases to the students in order to learn them by the context; because the sentence structure in the conversation is those they have learnt)

(… mins)

此步骤包括词汇、语法教学等 4.While-reading 5.Post-reading

(… mins)

1) Oral work

2) Written work 6.Aigning homework 1) Conclusion: a: vocabulary

b: sentence patterns: Where is (Where’s)…?

It is (It’s) in/on/under… Where are…?

They are (They’re) in/on/under… Where’s/where’re…?

I don’t know.Is it /are they on/in/under… ? No, it isn’t./They aren’t./ Yes, it is./they are.2) Homework: Ask, gue and write Let your partner to ask as well as gue where your things are in your room.Write down your conversation by using the following sentence patterns: A: where’s/where’re your…? B: You can gue.A: I don’t know.Is it /are they on/in/under… ? B: No, it isn’t./They aren’t.Yes, it is./they are.








