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奥地利留学怎么办理护照 篇一


















2、需申请人本人到出入境办 证大厅递交申请,不能委托代办。





泰国留学国内外换汇指南 篇二


泰铢是泰国的官方银行Bank of Thailand发行的货币,国际通用的单位是B,目前只能够在泰国的境内直接使用,相应的其他货币不能够在泰国直接使用,所以一定要记得提前换好。










申请出国留学个人陈述范文 篇三

Dear _,

Computing and its applications have always fascinated me and for this reason I have found my A-level courses extremely interesting. This also has maintained my long-term interest in computer-related careers. I have studied mathematics, physics and computing to A-level and also during the first year at Hills Road Sixth Form College I re-took my GCSE English.

Last year and this year I have been improving my self-learning, and developing many skills with the help of the key skills qualifications and A-level General Studies. My sincerest desire is to become a computer scientist. Specifically, I am interested in exploring how problems can be modeled and solved using artificial intelligence.

I also want to learn about human cognition and machine intelligence. I have been studying the online debate over whether machines will ever become "intelligent" given the current course of research and reading about such issues as whether a machine can acquire "common sense" (as discussed in Hubert Dreyfus's book “What Computers Still Can't Do”)。 I have been exploring many different areas within the domain of artificial intelligence (such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, and natural language processing)。 The bottom line is that I want to be a part of this exciting field.

Over the summer I traveled to Russia, and thoroughly enjoyed exploring a very different part of the world. My other interests include current affairs and sports, such as football, tennis and general fitness. Ever since the start of sixth form I have been a successful member of the college football team. I have played basketball as an enrichment activity because it was a new sport to me at the beginning of sixth form. I also participated in a 5-a-side indoor football tournament at the college. In addition to pursuing my academic studies I would like to continue some of these sports at university.

Yours sincerely,

留学个人陈述 篇四



The reason why I want to study MSc in Social Anthropology initially stemmed from my interest in Folk Literature, a module of BA in Chinese Linguistics and Literature I was learning in the third academic year at Hebei University. For the first time, I was aware of the interior meaning of those folk stories, proverbs, and songs. It motivated me to pursue the study of master programme in folklore at Beijing Normal University. The Institute of Folklore and Cultural Anthropology I am currently studying at holds the matchless calibers and research results in China. As most of my professors have overseas education experience, I get ample chance to know the advanced foreign system of education, as well as the studying life.

Furthermore, well is known that The United Kingdom has a long-established reputation on education of anthropology. Many of the required texts in my master specialty, i.e. folklore, are written by British, including Edward B. Tylor, Sir James George Frazer, Bronislaw Malinowski, Mary Douglas, and Jack Goody. I believe, for everyone who aims to receive superb training in anthropology, UK is the very place where they can realize their dreams.

The three-year master programme I am studying has modules pertinent to bodylore, feminism, marginal population, popular belief, and oral tradition, allowing me to acquire initial understanding of research objectives and approaches in folklore. Until now, I have also involved myself in several research projects, such as Study on Inheritors of Acrobatics and Sports (No. 07JJD740066), a sub-project of Study on Inheritors of Intangible Cultural Heritage, conducted by Institute of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage, Sun Yat-Sen University, and, Study on Mouton Cangyan Temple Flair (No. JJRZ2009028), a sub-project of Chinese Festivals Records, authorized by the national social science fund. Both of them entailed substantial fieldwork, which cultivated me with well-developed abilities of communication and

teamwork, date collection and analysis, in addition to writing and thinking skills. During these researches, I developed sound relationships with several tutors and many PHD students. They are engaged in varied fields and enjoying in the pursuit of academic objectives. It motivates me to plan my career.

My main research interests lie in several specialized areas in anthropology, including Folk Narrative, Food ways, and Urban Studies. The London School of Economics and Political Scienwww.众鼎号1126888众鼎号.comce, as one of the most advanced providers of research on anthropology, offers a wide range of projects by which I have been deeply attracted, apart from a rich and stimulating learning environment created by its high academic caliber and varied backgrounds of students. Virtually, over studying MSc in Social Anthropology, I long for studying the PHD program, and after that, I plan to initiate a career at research institutes or universities. By this, I try to introduce the research interests and orientation in anthropology to China, and to apply the research approaches to specific subjects in the society, considering that, anthropology researches in China currently have no significant global effect.

Thank you and best regards,




此外,众所周知,英国在人类学教育方面有着悠久的声誉。许多必要的文字在我的硕士专业,即民间传说,是由英国人,包括Edward B. Tylor,詹姆斯·G·弗雷泽,马林诺斯基,Mary Douglas写的,Jack Goody。我相信,对于每一个接受人类学高超训练的人来说,英国是他们实现梦想的地方。





留学申请个人陈述范文参考 篇五

Dear _,

“The Foolish Old Man Removing a Mountain” is an allegory known to virtually every Chinese. The story tells that in ancient times there was an old foolish man by the name of Yu Gong who was determined to remove the WangWu Mountain, a mountain that blocked him and his family from having access to the outside world, in an attempt to carve out a road leading to the outside world and hence create conditions for his posterity to achieve economic prosperity. The project was a Herculean task and, to make the matter worse, the old man was rather advanced in age. His neighbors all came to dissuade him from the endeavor. But the old man’s answer was that if he should die, his children and grandchildren could succeed him. The day would come when the mountain could be removed ultimately.

Inconceivable as they are, modern versions of this allegory occur in the frequently impoverished mountain areas in present-day China. The mountain folks resort to primitive manual labor (hence inevitably involving casualties) and simple tools and usually spend many years, even more than a decade, to open up routes inch by inch in order to have access to the market outside the deep mountains to sell their farm produce, so that their descendants will no longer be confined to the kind of isolated and economically unprivileged life that they are living. As a student with a Master’s degree in Road & Railway Engineering, I can never maintain a tranquil state of mind whenever I read of stories of this kind. I tell myself that I have the obligation and responsibility to help halt this dire reality. For this reason, I am determined to seek a Ph. D. program in Communication & Transportation at your esteemed university, a program that will enable me to reward my country with my knowledge of the advanced transportation engineering technology in the world. Of course, I am soberly aware that to be accepted into your highly-respected program I will inevitably be faced with fierce competitions. Nevertheless, my sound academic background, rich work experience and the ability to undertake independent academic research all testify to my qualifications as a worthy candidate for your program.

My choice for Industrial and Civil Airport Construction and Highway Airport Construction and Highway during my undergraduate program at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, _ University, seemed to have derived from my family tradition. My father has long been a construction engineer and my interest in civil engineering grew as I saw my father working on construction plans and drawings and picking up bits and pieces of civil engineering knowledge. My academic performance at _ University, which is a key university in the country, has been consistently characterized by top ranking, receiving Student ofExcellence award for four consecutive years. My solid and comprehensive academic foundation and outstanding performance came to the attention of the renowned airport construction expert Prof. _X, under whose direction I undertook my graduation project Design of an Airport Runway. In this project, I completed the overall design of a civil airport together with the airport’s roadnet. The roadnet design fully met the relevant national standards and the overall airport layout was rationally designed, leading to unanimously positive evaluation by the reviewing panel.

My undergraduate program was immediately followed by a postgraduate program at _ University, into which I was enrolled in my capacity as the top performer in the entrance examination. On a fiercer lever of competition, I doubled my academic efforts and managed to be among the top five in my class, winning “Class-A” scholarships. My active involvement in research also bore fruits. I published several research papers, including _, in such central natural science journals as _ and _.

Entitled Study of the Low-Noise Mechanism of the Asphalt Pavement, my Master’s thesis focused on those issues: the mechanism of noise production of tyres, the parameters affecting the tyre’s noise, the noise-absorbing mechanism of asphalt pavement and the pavement configuration parameters affecting the low-noise asphalt pavement. The thesis offered in-depth analysis of the effective voidage of the asphalt pavement and the pavement thickness as major factors in reducing the noise production. The new subject as well as the unique perspectives of my thesis won positive comments from the reviewing panel who rated my work as “significant for the subsequent research on low-noise asphalt pavement”。

My distinguished academic performance and research potential led to my employment with _ Province Expressway Co., Ltd. which made me responsible for the construction and management of the _ Expressway, a key national project. As a major technical specialist, I was in overall charge of drafting relevant tender documents of pavement,participating in the construction of the roadbed, bridge, and pavement, organizing the spot check of the raw materials for the asphalt pavement, holding meeting to discuss technical details of the asphalt pavement, launching technical trainings and field inspections, implementing the Superpave projects. The accumulation of rich and comprehensive experience in construction and management, and the problem-solving skills, and the ability to work effectively and efficiently, both independently and in teams, are the three most important results I have achieved. Over the past four years, I have been given the “Model Employee” honor in my work performance evaluation.

An equally important component of my employment is my independent research work. Two more papers, Construction Craft and Quality Control of SMA and Application of Superpave in _ Kaiyang Expressway were published in _ (national core journal of highway transportation)。 Some experts believe my papers offer detailed elaboration on highway SMA and Superpave pavement, providing important reference for the construction of other expressway projects.

While feeling proud for engaging in national-level projects, I have also gained an insider’s knowledge of China’s underdeveloped conditions of civil engineering in road and highway construction. The areas of study that I will focus in my proposed Ph.D. program are closely connected with those conditions—the methods of designing asphalt mixture, predictive evaluation of asphalt pavement performance, quality control of asphalt pavement construction, and the regeneration technology of old asphalt pavement. I expect that through your program I will be extensively exposed to the latest theoretical and technical developments in the world academia and take up fruitful research. If your highly selective program accepts applicants with sound academic performance, rich work experience and promising research potential, I can assert, without any shame of arrogance, that I am exactly the candidate you are looking for.

Yours sincerely,







